I hear from many clients, male & female, who are confused & overwhelmed by the myriad of different (conflicting!) messages that are out there about fitness& nutrition…
We’re told to Fast, then don’t fast…. eat high protein, no eat high carb, eat high fat, no go paleo, no go vegan, eat no grains, actually eat high grains, maybe remove dairy, but what about bones? ….you need to lift weights, but actually do Pilates, you should run, actually don’t run, you shouldn’t do too much cardio, but you do need to do cardio though, so do HITT, but actually don’t do too much HITT due to stress and hormone health…..
Arrrggggh….It’s no surprise that it all gets too much and we actually just end up not doing anything..
I feel that this over complication is not needed. “You would say that” I hear you say, “you’re a PT, a coach and nutrition therapist….”you know what you’re doing”…but honestly I also get overwhelmed with the barrage of messages & info we are sent through social media. But I truly think keep it simple……sticking to the basics and being consistent is key;
1. Try to eat whole foods, as natural as possible. Keep processed foods to a minimum but don’t sweat it if you eat a biscuit now and then 😜
2. Prioritise protein at every meal… & make sure you add in carbs and fat as well around the protein
3. Lift weights- ideally heavy and 2-3 times a week. It doesn’t need to be for hours. 30-45 min, hitting all the muscle groups each week is good
4. Walk as much as you can 🚶♀️
5. Don’t let yourself get too hungry... eat enough to fuel your body… your fitness can’t improve without fuel, you’ll be knackered, sleep and hormones may be impaired and injury can occur
6. Get enough sleep
7. Drink lots of water
8. Do what you enjoy…running, swimming, Pilates, tennis…whatever…but not too much, your body shouldn’t be exhausted
9. Schedule active rest days each week
10. Be consistent
11. Don’t compare yourself to others-our bodies are all different, with differing injuries and limitations, our genetic make up is not the same. What works for ‘John from work’ won’t necessarily be right for you!
So, keep it simple and don’t overthink it #keepitsimple #fitnesstips #overwhelmed